Поиск datasheet электронных компонентов

Поиск по: AS7-002-SVE

Информация по: AS7-002-SVE

  • Одиссей 002
    У ково есть електрическая схема Одиссей 002? Если есть у ковото отправте мне на емаил полуйста Я могу купить его у тебя :) если не справишься звони договоримся 89264496907:cool:
  • Динамик НЧ SEAS Excel W26FX002
    A paper cone with a unique Nextel coating ensures smooth frequency response and low distortion. 2” diameter high temperature voice coil with black anodized coil former for high power handling and reduced power compression. Heavy copper rings mounted above and below the T-shaped pole piece reduce non linear and modulation distortion and increase overload margin. A chrome plated brass phase plug reduces compression due to temperature variations in the voice coil, increases long term power ...
  • Динамик ВЧ SEAS Excel E0040-06 (T29CF002)
    The T29CF002, ”CRESCENDO” is an Ultra High End 29mm soft dome tweeter with a HEXADYM magnet system. An optimally shaped dome and integrated wide surround manufactured by SEAS from SONOMEX ensure excellent performance and consistency. A high efficiency HEXADYM magnet system (US Patent 6020805) based on 6 radially magnetized NdFeB magnet blocks provide efficient ventilation and damping of cavities behind the dome, surround and voice coil. Moderate magnetic stray fields represent no ...

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