Поиск datasheet электронных компонентов

Поиск по: GDP-LQFP-4801

Информация по: GDP-LQFP-4801

  • Datasheet AT91SAM7S128-AU-001 - Atmel Даташит ARM микроконтроллеры (MCU) LQFP IND TEMP
    Наименование модели: AT91SAM7S128-AU-001 Производитель: Atmel Описание: ARM микроконтроллеры (MCU) LQFP IND TEMP Скачать Data Sheet Краткое содержание документа: Features · Incorporates the ARM7TDMI® ARM® Thumb® Processor ­ High-performance 32-bit RISC Architecture ­ High-density 16-bit Instruction Set ­ Leader in MIPS/Watt ­ Embedded*ICETM In-circuit Emulation, Debug Communication Channel Support Internal High-speed Flash ­ 256 kbytes, organized in 1024 Pages of 256 Bytes (AT91SAM7S256) ­ 128 ...
  • Datasheet AT91SAM7A3-AU - Atmel Даташит ARM микроконтроллеры (MCU) LQFP IND TEMP
    Наименование модели: AT91SAM7A3-AU Производитель: Atmel Описание: ARM микроконтроллеры (MCU) LQFP IND TEMP Скачать Data Sheet Краткое содержание документа: Features · Incorporates the ARM7TDMI ® ARM® Thumb® Processor ­ High-performance 32-bit RISC Architecture ­ High-density 16-bit Instruction Set ­ Leader in MIPS/Watt EmbeddedICETM In-circuit Emulation, Debug Communication Channel Support 256 Kbytes of Internal High-speed Flash, Organized in 1024 Pages of 256 Bytes ­ Single Cycle Access at Up ...
  • Datasheet AT91R40008-66AU - Atmel Даташит ARM микроконтроллеры (MCU) LQFP IND TEMP
    Наименование модели: AT91R40008-66AU Производитель: Atmel Описание: ARM микроконтроллеры (MCU) LQFP IND TEMP Скачать Data Sheet Краткое содержание документа: Features · Incorporates the ARM7TDMI® ARM® Thumb® Processor Core ­ High-performance 32-bit RISC Architecture ­ High-density 16-bit Instruction Set ­ Leader in MIPS/Watt ­ Little-endian ­ EmbeddedICETM (In-circuit Emulation) 8-, 16- and 32-bit Read and Write Support 256K Bytes of On-chip SRAM ­ 32-bit Data Bus ­ Single-clock Cycle Access ...

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